Educational Support through Partnerships when "Life Happens"
Often, when we look at the concept of higher education, and pursuing a degree, we think of the ideal scenario. For instance, we may want a bachelor's degree, because we know that will lead to the job we have in mind, and we will live “happily ever after”. I can tell you, as a higher education professional, the timeline rarely looks this way. I know this may seem like a poor “commercial” for college, but allow me to explain why the path is not always this straightforward. As we pursue our goals there is this pesky thing called “life” that gets in the way. Let’s talk about a specific case…
Trevor entered his bachelor’s degree program with several ideas on what he wanted to do with his life. He did the necessary research on what programs would suit his needs and what universities offered the experience he desired. Trevor found Indiana Wesleyan University, and even connected with a local nonprofit organization through their Bridge Initiative nonprofit partnership program for an internship. This organization even paid Trevor’s tuition. The degree program was all online, allowing him to work and pursue his studies. So, that’s it right? A four-year degree, internship, and then smooth sailing into the career of his choice? A few classes into his program, Trevor’s father passed away unexpectedly. This caused disruption and heartbreak in his life, and he had to put his studies temporarily on hold. Life happened, but this is not the end of the story.
At this point, you may ask yourself, “Aren’t you supposed to be writing about how great higher education is?”. In this case, I won't talk about the chaplaincy program that showed love to Trevor, or his advisor who assured him they were there for him. I am more impressed by the nonprofit he interned with, and the church he attended. In the time when this student needed it most, this nonprofit organization and the church Trevor attended partnered together to support and encourage Trevor and let him know that they were going to help him meet his goals even when “life happened”.
It is no secret that online education, if not navigated strategically, can lack the community and accountability needed to help a student be successful. A community (nonprofit or church) partnership can provide the extra support a student needs to meet their life goals, and at the same time, can help bolster the needs of the organization.
While Trevor’s name was changed for privacy purposes, his story is very real. He is progressing wonderfully in his degree program. Trevor is an inspiration to us.
-Rev. Landon DeCrastos - Director, Partnership Operations. Indiana Wesleyan University